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Every fifth Kyrgyzstani checks information on social networking sites

Every fifth citizen of Kyrgyzstan checks information on social networking websites by reading comments. These data are presented in the study «Consumption of online news items in Central Asia.»

As the Research Coordinator for IWPR in Central Asia Jazgul Ibraimova noted at presentation of the study, one third of respondents trust information on official state and news websites and only one out of ten — on social networking sites.

«Four out of ten respondents draw conclusions by checking relevance of the information or by searching for other sources,» she said.

At the same time, every fifth Kyrgyzstani checks the accuracy of information on social networking sites by reading the comments under a post. The same number of citizens are looking for other sources of information.

«Only 4 percent of users in Central Asia use special tools for verification,» added Jazgul Ibraimova.

According to her, having discovered inaccurate information, every third user in Kyrgyzstan writes a corresponding comment under the post, every fifth unsubscribes from account.
