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Labor migration causes divorces and child abuse

Labor migration causes divorces, child abuse and early marriages among the girls. The leader of Insan Leilek NGO Gulnara Derbisheva told today at a press conference.

«Very often, migrants have second families in the host country. Our research shows that the number of divorces in families of migrants has increased by an average of 12 percent. Children suffer, who are left alone with their problems, with relatives. We found many examples of child abuse in such families. The cruelest are the closest people,» she stressed.

Gulnara Derbisheva said that there was a large number of early and forced marriages in such families. «Girls are forced into marriage in order to get rid of them faster,» she explained.

The human rights defender also outlined the problem of irrational use of money received from migrants by the population.

«Instead of investing them in some kind of business, education of children, improvement of living conditions, people spend it on wasteful weddings and feasts. It is necessary to increase the financial literacy of the population,» NGO head said.
