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Bishkek became home away from home for the Spaniard Ernest Robello

Ernest Robello came from Spain. He is a clinical psychologist specializing in drug policy. Ernest arrived in Bishkek for professional reasons in 2015 to work as the project leader at CADAP.

He has developed all his professional career abroad — in Latin America, the Caribbean, Central America, Middle east, Central Asia, Afghanistan.

— What surprised you in Bishkek and in Kyrgyzstan?

— Coming from a bilingual city myself (Barcelona), what surprised me first time I arrived is that not all citizens do necessary speak and understand the national language of the country. Although I understand why this is happening, given the historical background of Central Asia.

— What reminds you of your hometown in Bishkek?

— People and their basic needs. Everywhere the same.

— What do you miss in Bishkek and Kyrgyzstan?

— Nothing to be honest. I love spending long periods of time living and working in different places and countries.

Kyrgyzstan offers me so many things — work, a nice city plenty of restaurants and cafes, nature, good people. I always tell relatives, friends and colleagues that Bishkek is for me an excellent destination.

Ernest Robello

— What is your favorite place in Bishkek?

— Around Erkindik Boulevard, I can roam the streets for hours...I never take a taxi, I always walk to places.

— What do you like in the national cuisine?

-That’s very easy to answer: kurdak and boso lagman!

— What are you afraid even to try?

— I love trying all variety of national dishes, without exception.

— What has fascinated you in close acquaintance with the local population?

— I couldn’t say that something in particular has fascinated me. I am just very happy to live and work in Bishkek and enjoy the excellent hospitality. Every day.

— And what disappointed you?

— I like everything. I have no disappointment that I came here.
