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Preliminary list of voters includes 2,914,588 Kyrgyzstanis

The preliminary list of voters, according to the State Registration Service of the Kyrgyz Republic, includes 2,914, 588 Kyrgyzstanis. Press service of SRS reported.

It is specified that according to the Constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic On the election of President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the deputies of Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, the agency sent to the Central Election Commission a preliminary list of voters for the upcoming elections of the head of state.

The list includes citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who have reached 18 years and have passed biometric registration.

«From August 15, preliminary lists will be placed at polling stations for review. The SRS asks citizens to clarify their data at their polling stations at the place of registration, on the website www.shailoo.srs.kg , in the call center of the service at 119 and by sending a text message to 119 with a personal identification number from all communication operators of the republic: Megacom, Beeline and O! (call and SMS to number 119 are free),» the statement says.
