USD 87.45
EUR 90.93
RUB 0.90

SCNS detains head of district tax service department for bribetaking

The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) detained the head of the department for work with taxpayers of the Tax Service Department for Bazar-Korgon district of Jalal-Abad region.

The man is accused of taking a bribe. The detained O.S.A. took money for speeding up the process of obtaining certificates of absence/presence of tax arrears on property and insurance payments. In addition, he systematically received money for reducing tax deductions and rates from individual entrepreneurs.

With the permission of the judicial authorities, the illegal actions of O.S.A. were recorded on a hidden camera, and on January 9, the detainee was placed in the temporary detention facility of the SCNS.

Investigative and operational measures are being carried out to determine the involvement of other officials in this crime.

An investigation is underway.
