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Stalinkas and Khrushchevkas were designed for 50 years - Nurdan Oruntaev

The houses built in the USSR were designed for 50-70 years. The head of the State Construction Agency Nurdan Oruntaev said at a press conference.

According to him, the renovation project is still «all in words».

«The last houses were commissioned in the 1990s. It’s been 30 years now. There is no manager in Kyrgyzstan to monitor the quality of the houses. We are limited only to homeowner associations or house committees. These houses are falling into disrepair,» he said.

The state cannot risk the lives of people who live in houses without foundations, Nurdan Oruntaev said.

«In Stalinkas, for example, there are no foundations, and if there are any cataclysms, we risk the lives of these people,» the head of the State Construction Agency said.
