USD 87.00
EUR 90.41
RUB 0.84

Average price of square meter of apartment in Bishkek is $1,077

The average price of a square meter of an apartment in Bishkek is $1,077. Materials of the State Agency for Land Resources, Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography as of October 2024 say.

The cost of one square meter of an apartment in the capital of Kyrgyzstan is 92,426 soms, or $1,077 (at the National Bank’s exchange rate).

According to the agency, the average cost of a square meter of a house is set at 118,518 soms; commercial premises — 83,667 soms; industrial premises — 63,916 soms.

Experts specify that prices for apartments in Bishkek began to grow steadily in 2024.

They believe that given the demand for housing, the growth in housing prices will continue.

Other reasons include rising costs of building materials, inflation, and the exchange rate difference between the dollar and the national currency.

The cost of apartments may also be affected by such a factor as the tightening of requirements for construction companies.
