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Natural Resources Ministry reports detention of large batch of macrotomia

A large batch of macrotomia has been detained. The press service of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of Kyrgyzstan reported.

According to its data, more than 1,586 kilograms of macrotomia were detained in the area of Dordoi market on August 28.

The ministry recalled that, as part of the conservation and reproduction of flora in Kyrgyzstan, a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers was adopted «On the introduction of a temporary ban (moratorium) on the use of certain species of flora»:

  • Roots, tubers, bulbs, etc.;
  • Macrotomia (Macrotomia DC);
  • Arnebia (Arnebia Forssk);
  • Burning bush (Dictamnus L);
  • Aconite (Aconitum L);
  • Aflatun onion (Allium aflatunense B.Fedtsch).

The Ministry of Natural Resources notes there has been a significant increase in the volume of harvesting of these plants over the past two years, which poses a potential threat to the ecosystem. In particular, the volume of harvesting of Aflatun onion amounted to 229,000 kilograms, burning bush — 378,000 kilograms, aconite — 69,600 kilograms and macrotomia — 99,500 kilograms.

Macrotomia is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is used in medicine, including alternative one, for fever and black-purple rashes on the skin. The roots of the plant were once used to dye fabrics.
