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IPI condemns attempt to shutter Kloop Media

The International Press Institute (IPI) global network firmly condemns the Bishkek city prosecutor’s attempt to force the closure of Kloop, a major Kyrgyz independent media outlet and IPI member. The organization’s statement says.

«The request by prosecutors to close down Kloop is a clear act of retaliation in response to Kloop’s critical reporting», IPI Deputy Director Scott Griffen said. «Scrutinizing the government and publishing articles on social and economic issues of public relevance is the basis of independent journalism. In fact, the arguments used by the Bishkek city prosecutor only indicate the opposite of the claims put forward: that Kloop is a vital news organization carrying out essential work for the citizens of Kyrgyzstan.»

He added: «IPI is dismayed that just weeks after the Kyrgyz government managed to come to an agreement with Radio Azattyk, another media outlet in the country which had been threatened with closure, authorities are now targeting Kloop’s independent journalism. IPI stands with our members at Kloop and reject this effort to silence them.»

«This lawsuit is a serious blow to freedom of the press in Kyrgyzstan, on democratic values and on openness in general», Kloop editor Anna Kapushenko told IPI. «This is a signal to all independent media, activists and human rights defenders that any criticism of state institutions is forbidden. We believe that this should not be looked at separately from general, very dangerous tendencies with regards to media freedom in Kyrgyzstan.»

It was reported on August 28 that Bishkek prosecutor Emilbek Abdymanapov filed a lawsuit in court to liquidate Kloop.Media public foundation.

The lawsuit, in particular, states that «most of the publications are of a negative nature, aimed at discrediting representatives of state and municipal bodies», «Kloop.Media publications contain hidden manipulations of the opinion of the society, which are imposed negative processes that do not correspond to reality, and create opposition to any undertakings of the current government».

The prosecutor cites several headlines and materials from Kloop.kg, which, according to the oversight body, are sharply critical of the government.

The prosecutor’s office also accuses the public foundation of concealing a large amount of funds.
