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Over 50 members of Yakyn Inkar movement detected in Kyrgyzstan

Police officers and the State Committee for National Security detained a leader and follower of the religious extremist movement Yakyn Inkar in Chui region of Kyrgyzstan. Press service of the Main Internal Affairs Department of the region reported.

«More than 50 active members of the banned movement have been detected, the leader of which in Central Asia was a 51-year-old resident of Belovodskoye village, previously convicted of extremism. He financed, taught and held dawahs for members of the banned movement. In addition, he organized madrasahs and hostels without permits at several addresses in Moskovsky district. He also spread extremist ideology in them,» the statement says.

Investigators searched the homes of 21 members of the movement. Religious literature, leaflets, memory card, notebooks, cell phones and DVDs were confiscated.

Leader of the movement and four members aged 25 to 40 were detained on suspicion of creating and financing an extremist organization. The court took them into custody for a month.
