USD 86.46
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RUB 1.03

Migrants transfer $364.7 million to Kyrgyzstan for two months

In February, migrants transferred $187.6 million to Kyrgyzstan that is $10.5 million more than a month earlier. The National Bank of Kyrgyzstan provided such data.

In total, in January-February, migrants transferred $364.7 million to the country. This is $36.1 million more than in 2021. Russia accounts for more than 97 percent of remittances— $354.08 million. At least $1.76 million was transferred to the Kyrgyz Republic from other states, from the USA — $7.5 million.

As a result of February, an outflow of funds in the amount of $41.1 million was also registered. The main part of the money was transferred to Russia — $ 39.5 million. The outflow is estimated at $75.45 million for two months.

The net inflow of money transfers in January-February to Kyrgyzstan amounted to $289.24 million.

According to the results of 2020, the volume of money transfers to the republic amounted to $2,756.24 billion. At least $562.77 million was transferred from the Kyrgyz Republic to other countries. Net inflow is $1,193.47 billion.
