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Another rally held on Old Square in Bishkek

Another rally is taking place near the Government House in Bishkek. The protesters ask the President Sadyr Japarov to eradicate corruption in law enforcement agencies and the judiciary.

About a dozen people gathered on the square. According to them, they are victims of the legal system in the country.

«To date, tens, if not hundreds of poor people suffer from the actions of law enforcement agencies. Their voices do not reach anyone. Starting from the investigation, the prosecutor’s offices to the courts of all instances — everything is corrupt. It became a business. You said that starting from May you would receive ordinary citizens twice a month. Receive us, listen to our problem, cleanse the law enforcement system from corruption. Winter is coming, and people have lost their homes, cannot repay loans, have become victims of fraudsters,» Yslankan Egemberdieva, a participant of the rally, told.
