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Sadyr Japarov tells UN General Assembly about unscrupulous investors

There are cases in Kyrgyzstan, when unscrupulous investors, in pursuit of large profits and abusing public trust, did not take due care of the environment. President Sadyr Japarov stated this in his video message at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly.

«To our great regret, there are cases in Kyrgyzstan, when unscrupulous investors, in pursuit of large profits and abusing public trust, did not take due care that their activities not to damage the environment,» he said.

In accordance with national laws, the Kyrgyz authorities suppress such illegal activities and then are forced to deal with the environmental consequences themselves, for example, ensuring the safe disposal of hazardous waste, management of dumps and tailings, the president said.

«For three decades, Kyrgyzstan has been an active promoter of the interests of landlocked mountain states in the international arena in order to address the problems of sustainable development and the impact of climate change. On our initiative, according to a resolution of the UN General Assembly, 2002 was declared the International Year of Mountains. In the same year, the first Global Mountain Summit was held in Bishkek, and in 2018 — the fourth World Mountain Forum. At the current session of the UN General Assembly, on behalf the «Group of Friends of Mountain Countries», we initiate re-declaring 2022 the International Year of Mountains, approval of a five-year program for sustainable development of mountain regions and convening the Bishkek + 25 Global Summit in 2027,» Sadyr Japarov said.
