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Sadyr Japarov: Courts do not protect violated rights

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov holds the first meeting of the Council on Improving Judicial and Law Enforcement Activities today.

He stressed that the courts and law enforcement agencies are special state institutions where the fate of thousands of people is decided.

«It is important to note that the courts and law enforcement agencies are not excluded from the processes taking place in our society. Our personal experience shows that social and political stability and legality in our country depend on the quality of their work,» Sadyr Japarov said.

The President shared his views on the main problems to improve the work of the judiciary and law enforcement agencies.

«If judges and law enforcement officers show low professionalism and one-sidedness, violating the principles of the rule of law, then this will not only bring shame for a particular judge or employee, but the reputation of the state as a whole will be damaged, and their credibility will be threatened,» the president said.

Bitter as it may be, we must openly admit the fact that, despite the judicial reform in the country, the judicial and law enforcement systems are not able to adequately and effectively fulfill their main function -protection and restoration of violated rights. Let me remind you that this opinion prevails in society.

Sadyr Japarov

The head of state mentioned studies carried out by some international organizations operating in the country, which show that investors do not trust the judicial and legal system.

«They consider our judicial and legal system as a system that cannot protect their legitimate interests. In this case, we, representatives of state authorities, should carefully listen to the opinion of civil society and our partners in international organizations, drawing appropriate conclusions,» Sadyr Japarov stressed.
