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Passport data of Kyrgyzstanis to be sold to banks, cellular companies

It is suggested to sell data on valid and invalid passports in Kyrgyzstan. The corresponding draft government decree was submitted for public discussion.

At the same time, notaries and private notaries will be provided with information free of charge, and banks, financial-credit organizations and cellular companies — for a price. Provision of information from the State Register about valid and invalid national passports of citizens will be based on the law on personal information. A person will have to give written consent to the transfer of personal data to third parties.

Back in 2017, by order of the Government, the State Registration Service was instructed to carry out a pilot project from December 1, 2017 to December 1, 2019 on providing information on valid and invalid national passports of Kyrgyz citizens from the State Register through an electronic service. In case of successful implementation of the project, the State Registration Service and the Ministry of Justice had to develop normative legal acts aimed at resolving issues of provision of the services on an ongoing basis.

The Ministry of Justice also notes that the draft government decree was drawn up to create favorable conditions for the work of banks, financial institutions, notaries and cellular companies.
