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Government of Kyrgyzstan to support investor of Makmal

«We will provide the necessary assistance in the implementation of the project for further development of Makmal field,» the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said at a meeting on the further development of Makmal.

Recall, Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC held an investment tender for creation of a joint venture for further development of Makmal mine. Manson Group LLC won the competition. The Chinese company will invest $75 million in further development of the mine.

On March 27, 2019, Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC and Munson Group LLC signed an investment agreement.

It provides for creation of a joint venture on the basis of Makmalzoloto plant. The share of Kyrgyzaltyn OJSC in the joint venture will be 30 percent, the share of Munson Group LLC — 70 percent. The implementation of the agreement will allow to employ 800 people at the plant and 1,315 people at non-core enterprises from among the local residents of Toguz-Toro district.

As the head of the state administration, head of Toguz-Toro district, Aibek Kozhoshev, noted, residents of the region enthusiastically greeted the news of the planned resumption of production at the gold mine and are waiting for the start of work at the mine.

«In September 2018, the gold mining plant suspended its work. We will make every effort to start the work in the near future. We organize public hearings with the participation of relevant authorities and citizens. It is worth noting that explanatory work among the local population was previously conducted. Ordinary residents are waiting for resumption of work at Makmal mine, which is the only manufacturing enterprise in Toguz-Toro district,» said Aibek Kozhoshev.

Prime Minister Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev stressed that the government was pursuing a policy of supporting foreign investors in order they to feel at home.

«Investors, in their turn, must comply with the laws, introduce advanced technologies into production, and actively interact with the local population. We will fully support such investors. As a prime minister, I guarantee that with the accurate and timely fulfillment of all the terms of the agreement, you will not face any difficulties,» Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev summed up.

The head of government ordered to provide all necessary support, including holding of public hearings in Toguz-Toro district and explanatory work among the local residents in order to ensure openness and transparency of the process of resuming the plant’s activities.
