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Chinese companies interested in purchase of Makmal deposit

Three Chinese companies applied for an investment contest for creation of a joint venture at Makmal deposit. This became known today during the opening of bids.

All companies contributed $ 100,000 as a bank guarantee fee and 100,000 soms for a package of information on the project.

Thus, the application was filed by Munson Group LLC. The founder and leader of the company is Xu Liying. The company plans to invest $ 75 million in Makmal.

Shynkiyyuan Frunze Company offers to invest $ 34 million in a joint venture. The founders of the company are Hui Xiaowa and Liu Yarong, and the leader is Liu Yarong.

The third company, the Central Asian Metallcom Company, is ready to invest $ 69 million in the creation of a joint venture. The founder and head of the company is Lee Yun Ting.

The tender commission will consider offers of participants of the competition and will make a decision within five working days after opening of bids.

Recall, the main criteria for determining the winner of the competition for the right to create a joint venture on the basis of Makmalzoloto branch are: maximum provision of jobs to the local population, mandatory use of environmentally safe reagents and modern technologies in minerals processing, the shortest commissioning of a new gold processing plant and / or modernization of the existing one.

In addition, an investor will finance the project at own expense, without attracting loans from third-party organizations or banks. The size of the annual contribution to Toguz-Toro District Development Fund must be at least 1 percent of the gross income (revenue) of the joint venture.
