55,000 people with diabetes mellitus were registered in
According to it, a state register of patients has been introduced; it represents a single information and analytical system that allows keeping records of prevalence and incidence of diabetes, disability and mortality of patients, the prevalence of complications of diabetes, and the availability of medicines.
In 2006, the Law On Diabetes Mellitus was adopted, but, unfortunately, due to insufficient funding, some of its articles don’t work. To strengthen the diabetes service, it is planned to recreate the
The catastrophic increase in the number of diseased becomes a non-communicable epidemic. Experts predict that the number of patients with diabetes by 2040 will reach 642 million, that is, every tenth inhabitant of the planet will be sick.
Statistics say that one person dies from diabetes every 7 seconds in the world, and two new people fall sick. In the world, due to diabetic lesions, more than a million amputations of the lower limbs per year are made. The society of the blind is almost half of the people who lost sight due to diabetes. The complication of diabetes on the kidney requires expensive hemodialysis and transplantation. It causes enormous economic damage, since it leads not only to early and deep disability, but also premature death of people.
The 15th International Diabetes Association Summit will be held in Bishkek on May 12–14. Kyrgyzstan holds the summit for the second time.