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Large cache of weapons discovered in Chui region

Police officers stopped an illegal circulation of weapons and ammunition in Chui region, having discovered a large cache and detained a suspect. The press service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the region reported.

The Main Department of Internal Affairs received information about illegal circulation of weapons in the territory of Chui region and Bishkek on December 28, 2024. A criminal case was initiated under Article 267 «Illegal circulation of weapons, ammunition» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the operational and investigative activities, a 41-year-old suspect was identified and detained. During a search at his place of residence in Novopokrovka village, Issyk-Ata district, an impressive arsenal was discovered:

  • Saiga carbine;
  • TOZ rifle;
  • traumatic pistol;
  • double-barreled shotgun;
  • 584 live rounds for the Kalashnikov assault rifle;
  • 7 tracer cartridges;
  • more than 680 5×6 mm cartridges;
  • magazines for Saiga carbine, gun bolts;
  • CO2 cylinders, gunpowder, shot, cartridges, cartridges in cases, capsules;
  • knives, brass knuckles, binoculars;
  • 8 mobile phones.

In addition, 2 magazines from the Saiga carbine, 2 gun bolts, 7 CO2 cylinders, 8 cans of gunpowder, a liter bottle of shot, 143 cartridges, 222 cartridges in cases and 3 packs of capsules were seized.

The necessary forensic examinations have been ordered.

«Currently, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Chui region continues investigative and operational measures to identify the remaining persons involved in the commission of this crime,» the statement says.
