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Kyrgyzstan takes 128th place in Logistics Performance Index

Kyrgyzstan takes 128th place in the World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The LPI website says.

The country’s index is 2.3. Kyrgyzstan takes a place in the index between Burkina Faso and Mauritania. Experts noted that the Kyrgyz Republic had the lowest indicators in the area of ​​customs security and competitiveness.

It should be noted that in 2023, the Kyrgyz Republic ranked 123rd with the same indicator — 2.3.

Kazakhstan has the highest index among the CIS and EAEU countries, and Kyrgyzstan has the lowest.

The Logistics Performance Index is a rating index for comparative analysis of the efficiency of logistics systems in countries around the world. It has been compiled by the World Bank since 2007 based on a global survey of logistics operators. The index measures performance across the entire logistics supply chain in a country.

The index structure includes such parameters as:

  • Efficiency of the customs inspection process;
  • Quality of trade and transport infrastructure;
  • Ease of organizing deliveries at competitive prices;
  • Competence and quality of logistics services;
  • Ability to track cargo;
  • Timeliness of delivery to the destination.