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Human Rights Day: President addresses Kyrgyzstanis

President Sadyr Japarov today, December 10, addressed the people of Kyrgyzstan on the occasion of Human Rights Day.

«Human rights are the fundamental principle of a just society. Our Constitution, legislation and system of public administration are based on the protection of human rights. The Kyrgyz people have long revered such values ​​as human dignity, freedom, responsibility and justice. Special importance in the history and heritage of our country was attached to interethnic harmony, friendship, trust and cooperation. In our republic, equality, respect and protection of the rights of every citizen, regardless of their ethnic, cultural or national affiliation, have always played a key role,» the text says.

76 years ago, on December 10, 1948, in Paris, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaiming it a document binding on all peoples and states of the world. Since then, December 10 has been celebrated as the Human Rights Day.

«Showing respect for the generally accepted human rights and freedoms, in order to implement these principles, on February 9 of this year I signed the Law «On Amnesty in Connection with the 30th Anniversary of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,» the head of state noted.

According to him, over the past decades, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has become the basis for international standards for the protection of human rights, inspiring many countries, including ours, to create relevant national laws. The Kyrgyz Republic is proud of its commitment to these principles and active participation in global initiatives in this area.

«Our achievements in the field of human rights protection are confirmed by accession to key international treaties in this area, regular reporting on the implementation of obligations on international platforms, as well as the election of Kyrgyzstan as a member of the UN Human Rights Council.

Dear citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic! I wish each of you to feel protected and have equal opportunities for a full life! Let respect, unity and justice always reign in our society! Let us together continue to strengthen the foundations of the rule of law, where the main value is the individual, his or her freedom and rights. Let each of our days be a step towards peace, prosperity and well-being!» the address reads.
