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Eurasia to repair schools and stadium in Kyzyl-Kiya and Razzakov

By the 25th anniversary of Batken region, the Russian Eurasia non-governmental organization handed over certificates to finance the repair of a school and stadium. The assistance is part of the second stage of the Eurasian Lyceum program.

At the first stage of the program, 100 school buses were sent to Kyrgyzstan, which are used to transport schoolchildren from remote areas. Within the framework of the program, Eurasia has also undertaken obligations for the major repair of the secondary school No. 27 in Bishkek.

During the second stage, major repairs and construction of a new building of secondary school No. 1 named after D.M. Karbyshev in Kyzyl-Kiya, Batken region are planned. More than 30 classrooms, workshops, a computer room, an assembly and sports hall, a canteen and a library will be renovated in the old two-story building. The adjacent territory will also be improved.

In addition, construction of the central stadium and sports hall in Razzakov will be completed in the region.

«We continue to develop a single Eurasian educational and information space on the platform of our traditional values. The program Eurasian Lyceum has begun its work in the Kyrgyz Republic, and by supporting schools, we create comfortable and modern conditions for education so that children can reveal their potential and achieve success. This is our contribution to the future of society, strengthening friendship and cooperation between our countries,» the head of Eurasia and State Duma deputy Alena Arshinova said.
