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Territorial reform: Parliament adopts package of bills in three readings

The Parliament of Kyrgyzstan passed a package of bills on administrative-territorial reform in three readings.

In particular, the Parliament approved the draft law «On administrative-territorial units at the level of aiyl aimaks and cities of the Kyrgyz Republic» and amendments to the law «On administrative-territorial structure», as well as amendments to some legislative acts within the framework of the reform.

The initiator of the bills is President Sadyr Japarov.

MP Mirgul Temirbaeva asked the head of the Cabinet Akylbek Japarov to reinstate 98 municipal servants and 3 local government employees in Batken. They were illegally laid off.

Deputy Ulugbek Ormonov also recalled that the deputies asked to keep the heads of villages, not to reduce them within the administrative-territorial reform.

«It is not right to appoint one head for three villages,» the MP said.

Akylbek Japarov replied that local authorities would increase the number of village heads if necessary.

On December 30, 2023, the President signed a decree on carrying out administrative-territorial reform in a pilot mode at the level of aiyl aimaks and cities of Kyrgyzstan. At least 217 out of 452 aiyl aimaks will be reduced and 235 enlarged aiyl aimaks will be created. 235 aiyl aimaks include the previously reformed aiyl aimaks of Tyup district of Issyk-Kul region and Naryn region.

The cities of Bishkek, Osh, Karakol, Jalal-Abad, Balykchy, Cholpon-Ata, Kara-Balta and Toktogul will be enlarged at the expense of adjacent rural areas.
