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Stateless persons to be able to obtain identity cards without residence permit

The Ministry of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan proposes a draft resolution on approving the procedure for determining the status of a stateless person, as well as accepting documents, processing and issuing certificates. The document has been submitted for public discussion.

Amendments are being made to the laws «On External Migration», «On External Labor Migration», «On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic».

The proposed draft resolution establishes the procedure for determining the status of a stateless person and issuing stateless person certificates.

It is noted that the Department of Population Registration is responsible for acts of civil status, registration of documents on the acquisition of citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic and renunciation of it, provision of Kyrgyzstanis, foreigners and stateless persons with personalized, identifying and other documents of state importance.

Therefore, the draft regulation suggests that a person who wants to determine his or her status as a stateless person in Kyrgyzstan must contact the territorial branches of the department. Commissions will be created there to determine the status of a stateless person. A certificate is issued only after consideration of the application.

In the current version, a stateless person’s certificate is issued only in case of traveling abroad. In this case, such a person must have a permanent residence permit in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The proposed draft resolution assumes that a stateless person’s certificate will be issued regardless of whether the applicant has a residence permit or not.

To date, there is no procedure for determining the status of a stateless person and issuing certificates.
