USD 87.45
EUR 90.89
RUB 0.89

At least 1,188 million citizens of Kyrgyzstan work abroad

At least 1,118 million Kyrgyzstanis work abroad. Director of the Center for Employment of Citizens in Foreign Countries under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration of Kyrgyzstan Kubandyk Akmatbekov voiced such data.

According to him, the largest number of migrants work in Russia — 1,063 million. Kazakhstan takes the second place. About 30,000 people work there, 20,000 — in Turkey, 10,000 — in the USA and Arab countries, 6,000 — in Germany, Canada and Italy, and more than 5,000 — in South Korea. In addition, 76,000 Kyrgyzstanis cannot enter the Russian Federation because they are blacklisted.

The Center for Employment of Citizens in Foreign Countries under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Migration was established in January. It was noted that «this decision is aimed at protecting the rights and interests of labor migrants and members of their families.»
