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Not only women, but also men suffer from domestic violence in Kyrgyzstan

Not only women but also men suffer from domestic violence in Kyrgyzstan. The National Statistical Committee provided such data.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, a total of 8,577 victims were registered in 2020, some 860 of them were women and 517 were men. Most of the men-victims were registered in Chui region and in Bishkek city (118 and 113, respectively), the least — in Osh (7).

At least 1,085 people have undergone treatment in 2020 due to injuries sustained as a result of domestic violence, the Ministry of Health says.

More than 9,600 people turned to crisis centers, aksakal courts and other specialized institutions on the domestic violence issues.

At the same time, 8,577 people committed domestic violence, 7,954 of them are men and 623 are women.

During the same period, only 341 criminal cases were initiated on cases of domestic violence, including 29 cases under the article «Murder», 33 under the article «Rape», 22 under the article «Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm».
