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Cattle slaughtering, setting tables at funeral banned in Chon-Alai

It was forbidden to slaughter cattle and set tables at funeral in Chon-Alai district of Osh region of Kyrgyzstan. The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan reported.

At a meeting in the central mosque of Daroot-Korgon village in the district, it was decided not to allow squandering at the funeral.

«It was decided not to slaughter cattle, not to set tables and not to organize hot meals in the house of the deceased within three days. It is allowed to arrange hot meals only for the people, who have arrived at the funeral from afar, at the expense of the funds raised among the neighbors,» the statement says.

According to the district’s imam Ermekbai Tashbekov, wealthy residents of the district were offered to transfer expenses for the funeral to charity. «For example, for the construction of bridges, roads, water supply,» the imam said.
