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Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan about migration processes: This is a global trend

Kyrgyzstan cannot isolate itself from the global migration process. The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev said at a meeting of the government.

The head of the Cabinet noted that, according to the UN, 300 million people migrate for various reasons all over the world.

«Someone migrates in search of work; someone goes to other countries in search of a better life. This is a global process. We cannot isolate ourselves from this. Our task is to conduct an accurate internal migration policy. We must keep records of foreigners entering and leaving our country,» he said.

Mukhammedkaly Abylgaziev denied the information on the increase in the number of foreigners in the Kyrgyz Republic, who obtained a residence permit and citizenship of the republic.

«The information is unreliable. I doubt that all foreigners want to stay permanently in Kyrgyzstan,» he added.
