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Camera traps installed in Kan-Achuu nature park

For the first time, camera traps have been installed in Kan-Achuu nature park. UN Development Program in Kyrgyzstan reported.

The organization noted that a training was held for foresters, where they were trained in the use of camera traps for monitoring and research of populations of wild animals.

«The equipment gives accurate data on the presence of certain species of wild animals, including endangered ones. These measures are aimed at improving the level of research and obtaining important scientific data,» UNDP noted.

The camera traps will also record possible poachers, which is important in the context of biodiversity conservation.

The state nature park Kan-Achuu was created in 2015. It is located in Toguz-Toro district of Jalal-Abad region. Its area is 30,496.5 hectares.
