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Kyrgyzstan to host Asian Triathlon Cup for the first time

Kyrgyzstan will host the Asian Triathlon Cup for the first time. The President of Triathlon Federation of the Kyrgyz Republic Chyngyz Alkanov told at presentation.

According to him, their federation appeared on April 1, 2015 and since then it has achieved considerable success. The number of its members, contestants and athletes overcoming the prestigious distance Ironman is growing. There are prizewinners of the World and the Asian championships in paratriathlon. «Now almost every continent is aware that there is triathlon in Kyrgyzstan,» Chyngyz Alkanov noted.

Four major starts are planned in the country for 2018, including the Asian Cup. It will be held on July 7-8 in Issyk-Kul region. We expect participants from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Iran...

Chyngyz Alkanov

«We expect 5-8 countries. The International Federation obliges us to set $ 10,000 as prize, which is a serious motive for triathletes,» Chyngyz Alkanov said.

«Holding of the Asian Cup is our initiative. In 2017, we invited the Secretary-General of the Asian Federation. Well met him, showed him everything. He was pleased,» Chyngyz Alkanov noted. «The goal is to hold such competitions every year. We hope they will grow into a big tournament, which will attract athletes from around the world. They will come with the fans... This is an advantage for the country.»
