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Hajj 2018. Kyrgyz women to go on pilgrimage unaccompanied by men

For the first time, unmarried women, as well as childless and widows, are given the right to perform the hajj on their own. The Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan reported.

It is specified that at the request of the parents the muftiyat allowed twenty women to perform hajj 2018 unaccompanied by men. They are all unmarried, or childless, or widows. The SDMK denied the request of the remaining women to make the pilgrimage independently.

Earlier, the Kyrgyz women made pilgrimage only accompanied by their husbands, children or close relatives.

Saudi Arabia allocated 5,400 quotas to Kyrgyzstan for hajj 2018. This is 640 more than last year. The cost of hajj has grown and reached $ 2,850.
