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Foreigners in Bishkek: how tourists take traditional Kyrgyz cuisine

A couple of foreigners — Audrey and Samuel, who visited Bishkek, shot their visit to one of the capital’s cafes, where they tasted traditional Kyrgyz cuisine. The video was posted on YouTube a few days ago.

The young people ordered boorsoks, samsa, lagman, plov, shashlyk and the local beer «Arpa». Audrey and Samuel share their impressions with subscribers.

For example, the young girl said about the boorsoks: «I can not say that it is amazing. It’s just fried bread, but if you try it with jam or local honey… It is really good. Yes, with Kyrgyz delicious honey." But samsa reminded them a small pizza with meat. Its taste also impressed the foreigners.

Audrey and Samuel have their own blog about travels, where they tell subscribers about new countries and share their impressions.
