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Corruption in Kyrgyzindustriya —two more suspects detained

The press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) announced the suppression of a corruption scheme in Kyrgyzindustriya OJSC. Two more suspects were detained.

It was reported on January 25 that security services detained the former president of Kyrgyzindustriya OJSC Zharasul Abduraimov and its Vice President B.B.

In 2022-2024, the enterprise was allocated more than 2.3 billion soms from the republic’s budget. Officials created a stable corruption scheme for the misappropriation and embezzlement of these funds through subsidiaries.

On March 13, based on the evidence collected, the director of B.K.M. LLC I.M.T. and Kh.A.K. were detained and placed in the temporary detention facility of the SCNS. The state committee added that, in addition to those listed above, two more people were detained. These are the Director of Alai Barstary LLC U.B.K. and the director of Korporatsiya Stroy Resurs LLC A.M.Y.

The investigation is identifying other persons involved in the criminal case.
