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Parliamentary committee approves bill on changing flag in third reading

The Committee on Constitutional Legislation, State Structure, Judicial, Legal Issues and Regulations of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan approved the bill to amend the Law on State Symbols of the Kyrgyz Republic in the second and third readings. It involves changing the state flag of the country.

The initiators of the document are deputies of the Parliament Nurlanbek Shakiev and Ulan Primov.

Deputy Mirlan Samyikozho opposed adoption of the bill, proposing to put the issue of the flag to a referendum.

The authors of the flag Bekbosun Zhaichybekov and Zhusup Mataev told about the flag sketches they proposed in 1992.

«In fact, the first version of the state flag was blue sky color, but then people also began to express dissatisfaction, saying that blue is the color of mourning in some southern regions of the country. Then we developed five new variants of the flag in blue, green, white, gold and red colors. In the end we chose red, no one was against it. As it turned out, red is a sign of power,» Bekbosun Zhaichybekov said.

  • Kyrgyzstan’s national flag was approved by the Supreme Soviet on March 3, 1992. Throughout the history, it has proposed to change it more than once. In 2011, Ata Meken MP Karganbek Samakov raised the issue of changing the national flag. Then it was proposed to make it light blue, as red is allegedly «the color of blood and aggression».