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37 mosques and religious institutions closed in Batken

At least 37 mosques and religious institutions were closed in Batken. The press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

An interdepartmental working group, consisting of representatives of the SCNS, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Commission on Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Health, office of the Presidential Envoy to the region, the head of Architecture Department, Cadastre state institution and the Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, continues to check the activities of religious objects in the republic.

The committee stressed that one of the main factors negatively affecting the religious situation and contributing to the spread of radical extremist ideology among believers in Batken region is the chaotic construction of religious facilities, ignoring established norms and without taking into account the real needs of the population, as well as the lack of uniform standards and lack of control over education in religious educational institutions.

For violation of the requirements of the Law on Freedom of Religion and Religious Organizations, architectural, construction, sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety requirements, acts were drawn up and instructions were given to 55 mosques and 6 religious educational institutions.

The activities of 32 mosques and 5 religious educational institutions have been suspended. Eight materials on violations were registered at the Internal Affairs Department of Batken region.

Earlier, as a result of an inspection, 39 mosques and 21 religious educational institutions were closed in Osh region. It was revealed that 172 out of 192 mosques and namazkanas in Talas do not comply with fire safety rules. Sanitary and hygienic standards were violated in 107 religious institutions.
