USD 85.91
EUR 93.34
RUB 1.03

Number of loans in national currency grows in Kyrgyzstan

Number of loans in national currency in June increased by 14.6 percent since December 2022 to 178.7 billion soms. Report on monetary policy of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan says.

Consumer loans and trade continue to show high growth rates (+27.4 percent and +15.9 percent, respectively). Loans for agriculture grew by 12.5 percent, mortgage loans — by 8.9 percent.

The loan portfolio in foreign currency grew by 3.3 percent mainly due to the growth of loans to trade by 11.6 percent.

Dollarization of the loan portfolio continues to decline. It decreased by 1.8 percent to 21.7 percent in June.

«Interest rates of the local currency loan portfolio are still at high levels given the persistence of current monetary conditions. Local currency loan rates stood at 17.4 percent in June, up 0.3 percent. Rates in foreign currency amounted to 8.6 percent, having slightly decreased since December of the previous year,» the National Bank says.
