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Digital Nomad project launched in Kyrgyzstan

A pilot project has been launched in Kyrgyzstan by a decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on granting foreign citizens the status of Digital Nomad. The Ministry of Economy and Commerce reported.

The status of Digital Nomad will allow to enter / stay in the territory of Kyrgyzstan without a visa, registration at the place of stay and permits for work, as well as containing information about a personal identification number (PIN).

«The trend towards an increase in the number of the so-called «Digital nomads», is gaining momentum around the world. People can work from anywhere in the world, as long as they only need a computer and good high-speed Internet to work. During the pandemic, the practice of remote work has singled out and formed a certain cluster of specialists who do not need to be in the office. To create favorable conditions for the relocation of such people in Kyrgyzstan is the goal of this regulatory initiative,» the Minister of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic Daniyar Amangeldiev noted.
