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Kamil Ruziev’s case: Karakol City Court acquits human rights activist

Karakol City Court acquitted the human rights activist Kamil Ruziev. He himself told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, the court acquitted him together with the second defendant, a nurse, for absence of crime in the act.

«The court found us both innocent. 30 days are given to appeal the verdict. Perhaps, the state prosecutor will make a submission to a higher court,» he said.

Employees of the State Committee for National Security detained the human rights activist on May 30, 2020 in Karakol. The court placed him under house arrest. Kamil Ruziev is accused of using a fake medical certificate. According to investigators, the human rights activist allegedly did this in order to extend the deadline for appealing against the decision of the Karakol City Court in one of the cases on which he worked. However, in 2021, an examination confirmed that the certificate was not fake.
