The Media Policy Institute with the support of Media-K project of Internews in Kyrgyzstan is launching an information campaign on protection of journalists with the hashtag # КuchChyndykta (power in truth).
According to experts, cases of attacks and threats to the life and health of journalists have become more frequent in recent years in connection with the coverage of social and political crises.
Therefore, the goal of the campaign is to support the media and prevent security threats due to professional activities.
«This tendency is unacceptable. Journalists have a high mission and are a bridge between society and the state. Our journalists raise acute social issues, conduct serious investigations, reveal facts of violation of laws, bring information to the people, help citizens control the actions and decisions of officials, fight fakes and disinformation,» the appeal says.
The initiators of the campaign remind that free media are a sign of democratic reforms in the state. Independent media are still a feature of Kyrgyzstan.
It is noted that the work carried out at the risk for the own safety of journalists to reveal abuses by officials is often ignored by the authorities.
As part of the campaign, Media Kitchen production studio prepared five videos with well-known journalists of the country.