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Tursunbek Akun not going to withdraw claims against Aprel TV channel

Tursunbek Akun repeatedly filed a lawsuit against Aprel TV channel and journalist Kanat Kanimetov. The ex-ombudsman himself informed 24.kg news agency.

According to him, several court hearings have been disrupted. A lawyer representing the interests of the plaintiff could not come. She had other proceedings, about which, according to Tursunbek Akun, she notified the court.

«But the judge decided to leave our appeal without consideration. We are forced to apply again. The amount of the claim is the same — 500,000 soms. If Aprel employees and Kanimetov personally admit that they have spread false information on YouTube, then I will withdraw material claims,» said Tursunbek Akun.

«Any specialist will confirm that there was slander in the words of Almazbek Atambayev spread by Aprel television channel,» the ex-ombudsman noted.

He withdrew the claim against the former president in the amount of 100,000 soms.

The former chief human rights activist of the country believes that the television channel should be held responsible for disseminating slander and false information, despite the fact that the property of Aprel was seized and it does not broadcast.
