Former president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev made a statement after a meeting with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
According to him, it was a good opportunity to exchange views and he is grateful for organization of the meeting, which was held at a high level. «The Russian Federation reaffirmed that it is a friend and strategic partner of the Kyrgyz Republic, but we will solve our internal problems in the republic by ourselves. We talked about the situation in Kyrgyzstan and the region, about the need for political stability in the country, that both parties of the conflict should make efforts for this. And we also believe that this is a two-way road. The current government needs to return to the legal field,» said Almazbek Atambayev.
He added that the authorities, in his opinion, should show objectivity in the consideration of cases in courts, stop political persecution of their opponents.
«My supporters should have an opportunity to calmly prepare for the elections. Vladimir Putin plans to talk about it with Sooronbai Jeenbekov. As soon as we see such steps on the part of Jeenbekov, the opposition’s agenda will immediately change. Further, the current government should deal specifically with the development projects needed by the state. We will only be happy to help,» the former president assured.
He noted that only when citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic see that the head of state is working for the good of the country, and the opposition is quietly preparing for future elections, the people will calm down and political stability, about which they talked at the meeting with Vladimir Putin, will come to the country. «We, as promised at July 3 rally, will wait for concrete actions from the authorities until September,» Almazbek Atambayev said.Political tension will decrease. We also want this for the future of Kyrgyzstan.
Almazbek Atambayev
Almazbek Atambayev left for Moscow the day before. The deputies of the Parliament Irina Karamushkina, Asel Koduranova and Muradyl Mademinov accompany him. Official representative of SDPK Kunduz Zholdubaeva and a member of the national headquarters, the official representative of SDPK in Russia Temirlan Sultanbekov also left for Russia. The former president should return to Bishkek at 19.00 today.