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Bishkek upgrades old traffic lights

Old traffic lights are upgraded in Bishkek. The press service of the Bishkek City Administration reported.

According to it, on April 18, 2018, the municipal transport department approved the itemized list for modernization, which included 19 traffic lights.

At least six of them, located at the crossroads of Elebesov and Vasilyev, Tokombayev and Nurkamal, Tokombayev and Kuttubaev, Isanov and Bokonbaev, Mahatma Gandhi and Vasilyev, Shopokov and Zhumabek, have already been commissioned.

Installation of 6 more objects has been completed and the objects on Shabdan Baatyr and Isakeev, Omurakunov and Tagai Biy, Elebesov and Vitebskaya, Panfilov and Mederov, Profsoyuznaya and Patrice Lumumba, Kulatov and Baitik Baatyr intersections are to be commissioned in the near future.

Installation of two traffic lights at Ankara and Dostoevsky Streets intersection, as well as Sadyrbaev (Bach) and Semetei, continues.

A tender for design and estimate documentation was announced to install traffic lights at other six crossroads of the capital. The objects will appear at the intersections of Profsoyuznaya and Fuchik, Zhukeev-Pudovkin and Karasayev, Leo Tolstoy and Igemberdiyev, Elebesov and Kurmanaliev, Akhunbaev and Dzhunusaliev, Bakaev and Griboyedov Streets.

Earlier, the City Administration posted an announcement about the construction and installation of traffic lights near seven schools in Bishkek. At least 3.9 million soms were budgeted for this purpose.
