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Seven artificial glaciers created in Batken region

Seven artificial glaciers have been created in Batken region of Kyrgyzstan. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) reported.

The artificial glaciers were created for the sustainable development of agriculture and adaptation to climate change within the framework of the project «Women’s Civil Society Organizations in Kyrgyzstan Reduce Climate-Related Risks at Regional and National Levels, Contributing to Sustainable Peace».

According to the organization, over 1.5 million cubic meters of ice have accumulated in the glaciers created in late autumn 2024 in Gaz, Sogment, Bulak-Bashi, Kaindy, Aibiyke, Kok-Tash and Sumbula villages over the past winter.

«With the arrival of warmer weather, the glaciers begin to melt, providing water for irrigation to agricultural lands located downstream. According to FAO experts, the total area of irrigated land, using furrow irrigation, will exceed 1,750 hectares, equivalent to the area of 2,451 football fields. If modern irrigation systems are used, the irrigated area could be further expanded to 15,000 hectares,» FAO reported.

The artificial glaciers, proposed by FAO experts, are relatively simple structures designed to accumulate water in the form of ice during the winter months. In summer, this water is used for agricultural needs, including irrigation and livestock watering. On average, one glacier can provide water for irrigating 300 to 500 hectares of land.

A total of 6 956 meters of pipeline were laid for the construction of the seven glaciers.
