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President Sadyr Japarov makes speech at SCO summit in Astana

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov today, July 4, spoke at the regular meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State in Astana. The press service of the head of state reported.

The meeting began with the ceremony of signing the document on Belarus’ full membership in the SCO.

Sadyr Japarov noted that since its founding, expanding the scope of its activities, the organization has also successfully increased its partnership potential. He congratulated President Alexander Lukashenko on receiving the status of a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization by Belarus.

The head of state emphasized that the adopted initiative of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization «On world unity for a just peace and harmony», as well as the statement of the SCO Council of Heads of State «On the principles of good neighborliness, trust and partnership» fully reflect the common desire to build a stable, secure and prosperous SCO region.

Current global challenges such as terrorism, cyber threats and international crime require close attention and joint work.

Sadyr Japarov

Sadyr Japarov noted the importance of the presented initiative of Kyrgyzstan to create a Center for Combating International Organized Crime in the city of Bishkek.

In his speech, the President emphasized that mutually beneficial partnerships in matters of trade and economic relations are one of the foundations for the stable economic and financial well-being of the SCO member states in the context of economic globalization.

In order to form an open economy and strengthen the multilateral trading system, he called to continue work on reduction of trade barriers throughout the SCO.

The Kyrgyz side has repeatedly noted the need to create a special institution to finance projects, such as the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund.

Sadyr Japarov

The head of state noted with satisfaction that the adoption of the Council of Heads of State decision «On mechanisms for financial support of project activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization» will allow the Council of Heads of Government to carry out appropriate work to implement one of the main issues of the SCO economic agenda. In addition, digital technologies can play a significant role in promoting trade relations, which in the future will simplify trade procedures.

In this regard, Sadyr Japarov proposed the relevant ministries and departments use the created conditions within the organization and develop measures to support the high-quality development of the digital economy and integrate digital technologies into the real sector of the economy.

The President also informed that Kyrgyzstan plans to hold the SCO Youth Digital Forum in Bishkek in 2025, and expressed confidence that the event would make a significant contribution to strengthening regional cooperation of the SCO member states in the field of digital technologies and youth policy.

In the context of the development of transport cooperation and effective use of existing infrastructure, Sadyr Japarov noted that Kyrgyzstan stands for the practical implementation of the agreement between the governments of the SCO member states on creating favorable conditions for international road transport and other documents in the field of transport.

In this regard, the approved roadmap for strengthening interaction between the SCO member states and the SCO dialogue partners creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of joint projects in the fields of trade, investment, banking, transport, energy, as well as in cultural and humanitarian fields, including tourism and education.

The President particularly focused on issues of environmental safety and sustainability.

He noted that the agreement between the governments of the SCO member states on cooperation in the field of environmental protection would also be an additional contribution to solving global environmental challenges, mitigating the negative consequences of climate change and adapting to it.

The President emphasized that issues of successful and sustainable development in the energy field are very relevant and important for Kyrgyzstan. The approved Strategy for the Development of Energy Cooperation of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization until 2030 will make it possible to carry out the necessary work to develop cooperation in this area.

The Kyrgyz Republic calls for the promotion of projects related to the development of renewable energy sources, energy saving, energy efficiency and hydropower.

Sadyr Japarov

At the same time, intensive melting of glaciers threatens with a reduction of water resources, which is already negatively affecting the state of agriculture and leading to the food security issue.

Sadyr Japarov informed that Kyrgyzstan, being a mountainous country, has been actively working to attract the attention of the world community to mountain issues since the early 2000s.

He noted that as the final stage of the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions, it is planned to hold the Second Global Mountain Summit Bishkek+25 in Kyrgyzstan in 2027, 25 years after the First Summit.

The President added that the Kyrgyz side annually holds the SCO Issyk-Kul Marathon, which has also become an image project of the organization.

In conclusion, Sadyr Japarov expressed gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for the high level of organization of the meeting and congratulated Chinese President Xi Jinping on taking over the chairmanship of the SCO.

The head of state also thanked everyone for supporting the candidacy of Ularbek Sharsheyev for the post of Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.
