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15,000 soms and cell phones stolen from mosque visitors in Tokotogul

Suspects who committed theft in mosques were detained. The press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of Jalal-Abad region reported.

According to it, on April 26, residents of Toktogul, 44-year-old A.K. and Y.K., filed a statement. They reported that unknown persons stole their cell phones worth 25,000 and 15,000 soms in Nur mosque on Bishkek — Osh highway during namaz.

A criminal case was initiated under Article 205 «Theft» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Bishkek resident, 23, and resident of Chui region, 16, were detained as suspects. They were placed in the temporary detention center of the Department of Internal Affairs of Toktogul district.

On May 11, the Toktogul District Court decided to remand the suspects in custody for two months. Involvement of the detainees in other crimes is being established.

The investigation continues.