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Sadyr Japarov awards best students of Kyrgyzstan

«You are the future of Kyrgyzstan! Tomorrow you will take the fate of the country into your own hands. This is a great duty and the same responsibility,» the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov said, speaking at the ceremony of presenting presidential scholarships to the best students of the country.

At least 80 students from all universities of the country became presidential scholarship holders this year. At the meeting the head of state sincerely congratulated them on their achievements in their studies, thanking for their hard work and perseverance.

«It is gratifying that you are educated at the leading universities of our country and have become an example for other young people by being presented with presidential scholarship. I don’t think I overestimate you, saying: undoubtedly, you are the best students in Kyrgyzstan. I believe that you have achieved this success because of your hard work, your will, and your high patriotism. In his time, the famous Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov gave a clear definition: «Youth is our barometer». Development of our state directly depends on the purity of our society and quality of education, on the chosen profession, culture and morality of the younger generation,» Sadyr Japarov said.

The President told the future specialists that a program to reform the entire education system — from kindergartens to secondary vocational, special and higher education institutions — has been developed in the country. He pointed out that the government was also working on improving the material and technical base of educational institutions, developing new curricula that meet modern requirements, improving the training of specialists and increasing teachers’ and professors’ salaries.

The head of state stressed that education and science are developing more rapidly over time.

Therefore, the current young generation is witnessing how this sphere in the country is expanding due to modern technologies; digitalization of society is taking place. Another aspect that should be paid attention to is the issue of learning as many languages as possible.

«This is the imperative of the time. First of all, it is necessary to master the state language, and then the other languages! I hope that you will live up to the hopes that our people have for you and become those who will develop and glorify Kyrgyzstan. Always remember this. May your road to knowledge be not only thorny but also successful,» Sadyr Japarov concluded, wishing students success and all the best.