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Increase in incidence of intestinal infections registered in Bishkek

Increase in the incidence of acute intestinal infections is registered in the capital of Kyrgyzstan.

According to the State Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Bishkek, 799 cases of acute intestinal infections have been registered for five months, while there were 600 cases in the same period of 2020.

There is an increase in the incidence rate by 29.9 percent.

The center noted that children under two years old get infected more often. This is due to the lack of personal hygiene on the part of the parents when caring for children, as well as violation of the storage conditions and consumption of poor-quality food products.

The increase in incidence is most often registered in residential areas of the city, which is facilitated by insufficient provision of drinking water, interruptions in water supply, especially during the day.

Doctors ask the townspeople to remember about the dangerous signs of acute intestinal infections, not to self-medicate and timely consult a family doctor.
