USD 86.45
EUR 92.47
RUB 1.00

Expectations of MegaCom sale inflated

Expectations of the sale of MegaCom are inflated. This conclusion was made by the Auditors of the Accounting Chamber, having checked the execution of the republican budget for 2016.

According to international estimates, the process of privatization of mobile operators is longer, and usually it takes more than two years to sell such objects since the start of the campaign to attract investors, including the procedures for concluding a contract of sale and receiving cash.

Auditors believe that one shouldn't have included the revenues from the sale of MegaCom in the revenue side of the budget for 2016.

Alfa Telecom CJSC was repeatedly auctioned, but none of the investors showed interest in it. The Fund for the Management of State Property directly found a buyer — a Russian Elena Nagornaya. Later, she refused the deal. 100 percent of the shares of the mobile operator was estimated at 13.5 billion soms.