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Dmitry Pankin: There are thousands of uncoordinated issues in EEU

«There are now thousands of uncoordinated issues in the Eurasian Economic Union,» Dmitry Pankin, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), said at a conference «Eurasian Integration.»

According to him, in recent years «we have witnessed the formation of Eurasian integration, common market for goods and the labor market. These were notable changes, which had a significant impact on the economic life of the countries of the union.»

«Now we see a long, tense process, thousands of uncoordinated issues. This applies to non-tariff restrictions, technical regulations, problems related to the formation of the energy market, pharmaceuticals. These issues require agreement,» Dmitry Pankin said.

There are problems everywhere. And there is a feeling that stubbornness becomes a system. We need to decide: this is a working process or we are witnessing a certain crisis and the need to revise the basic principle of integration.

Dmitry Pankin

EDB Chairman of the Board noted countries of the union diverge in the cultural, as well as in the intellectual spheres. Elites of states focus on education in China, Japan, Western countries. There is a disengagement in culture, which is also inextricably linked with integration processes.