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CEC refuses to recognize signature sheets of Omurbek Tekebayev

The Central Electoral Commission refused to recognize Omurbek Tekebayev’s signature sheets, which are a mandatory requirement for registration of a candidate for the presidency of Kyrgyzstan. The decision was made yesterday at a meeting of the CEC.

As the commission told to 24.kg news agency, the CEC members «recognized signature sheets in favor of Omurbek Tekebayev unreliable due to the fact that they violated the order of financing.»

As the press service of the CEC explained, to organize the collection of signatures in support of the presidential candidate, it is necessary to allocate money from the election fund of the candidate, which the leader of Ata Meken party and its delegates didn’t do.

According to the Central Election Commission, Omurbek Tekebayev’s headquarters handed over 38,643 signatures.
